6th Canadian Geothermal Students’ Days (New Brunswick; 2025)

5th Canadian Geothermal Students’ Days (INRS-ETE; 2024)

The 5th Annual Canadian Geothermal Students’ Days were hosted at INRS-ETE in Quebec City, Quebec from September 4th to 6th.

Guided Visit: Quebec National Assembly: LEED Silver-rated pavilion. The pavilion exemplifies sustainability with its integrated geothermal heating system. Accompanied by knowledgeable building engineers, participants will delve into the architecture and operational aspects of the heating system.

Keynote Speakers: Alan Bischoff  (Senior Geothermal Geologist; Geological Survey of Finland)

Scott Janzwood (Research Director; Cascade Institute) 

Training Day: Thermal Response Test training day offered by Jasmin Raymond on Monday, September 9th

4th Canadian Geothermal Students’ Days (U. of Calgary; 2023)

The 4th Annual Canadian Geothermal Students' Days was hosted by the University of Calgary in August.
Congratulations to our two winners:

Elisa Heim,
Polytechnique Montreal

Reconstructing experimental thermal response functions and monitoring data of a borehole heat exchanger field.

Fiona Chapman,

Heat flow assessment with fibre-optic cable in 385m and 220m well, southwestern Yukon.

3rd Canadian Geothermal Students’ Days (U. of Alberta; 2022)

The Third Canadian Geothermal Students’ Days (CGSD 2022) will be held on 22–23 August 2022 at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Alberta.

CGSD was established in 2019 to bring students and significant stakeholders in geothermal energy throughout Canada together for networking, learning, and sharing of ideas. The purpose is to help advance pioneering knowledge and technologies relating to the development of geothermal energy in Canada.

CGSD 2022 will host keynote speakers and sponsors from the industry. Participating students must submit a short paper and present their research projects (oral presentation or poster) during the conference. There are no registration or inscription fees for the accepted students. Travel grants might be possible to arrange depending on the number of attendees.

Register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/canadian-geothermal-students-days-2022-registration-387519821217

For more information or any questions regarding the event, please visit our web page (https://canadiangeothermal.wixsite.com/cgsd) or contact the liaison (cedar@ualberta.ca).