A GeoExchange® to Deep Conventional Geothermal Energy Extraction Technology Spectrum Comparison - Simplified


Research Report


GeoConvention 2022 Hickson Smejkal and Rathbone_FINAL_v2.pdf



Catherine J. Hickson, Emily Smejkal and John Rathbone


Hickson, C.J., Smejkal, E., Rathbone, J. June 2022. GeoConvention Calgary.


For the general public there has long been confusion between shallow “earth battery” geothermal systems and deep “naturally occurring heat” extraction geothermal systems, as both are referred to as “geothermal” systems, despite having very different characteristics. This confusion has implications for regulators, consumers, investors and granting agencies. In reality, the “geoenergy” spectrum is exactly that – a spectrum of technologies that extends from low CAPEX heat pumps and heat exchangers using the shallow subsurface (<300m) as a battery to store ‘excess’ heat (GeoExchange®i ), to high CAPEX projects tapping the deeper natural occurring earth heat (geothermal). An additional complexity is heat storage technologies using industrial waste heat looking to store that heat in the shallow (or deep) subsurface. Continuing to aggregate low temperature, GeoExchange® and heat storage developments into the larger “geothermal” basket is leading to negative consequences for both geothermal and GeoExchange® investors, regulators, and the public.