Energy Transition Outlook 2022

DNV, a Norwegian company ( ) publishes a document on the World Energy Transition.  Links below will allow you to download it.  The North American subsection is attached.  

The transition to renewable energy and fuels that are not sources in oil, gas and coal is proving to be a challenge in a complex, high-energy-use world.

The publication provides a comprehensive analysis of the development of the global energy system towards 2050.


Here are some selected highlights of the forecast:

·         Electrification will play a much bigger role in the energy system, increasing its share of the global energy mix from 19% to 36%

·         With an 83% share of the electricity system in 2050, renewables are squeezing the fossil share of the overall energy mix to just below the 50% mark in 2050

·         Despite short-term raw material cost challenges, the capacity growth of solar and wind is unstoppable: by 2050 they will have grown 20-fold and 10-fold, respectively

·         Emissions must fall by 8% each year to secure net zero by 2050

Download the Energy Transition Outlook

Looking for the highlights? Download the Executive Summary

The Executive Summary covers highlights from the main report in a brief, but comprehensive 40 page document.

Download the Executive Summary

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