June 19, 2018 marked a special day in Vancouver for Geothermal Canada members and those interested in geothermal energy in Canada. The Association, founded in 1974, chose to honour two founding and one long-time member of the Canadian geothermal community by granting them honourary lifetime memberships in the rebranded association, Geothermal Canada, that they helped found more than 40 years ago.
Figure 1: Life-time membership awardee, Andrew Nevin (left), talks to Carlos Salas (right), GeoscienceBC , about his lifelong career in exploration.
On June 19th, Geothermal Canada held a Special General meeting to establish a new membership category “Life time honourary member” and to grant this status to Andrew Nevin, Tim Sadlier- Brown and Alan Jessop. One year after the American Geothermal Resources Council was founded, Canada’s pioneers in geothermal energy – Tim Sadlier-Brown, Andrew Nevin, Jack Souther, Al Gorell – founded the Canadian Geothermal Association. These individuals, and early member Alan Jessop, have helped explorer, discover and develop geothermal resources in the global arena.
Sadly, Jack Souther and Al Gorell have passed away, but Tim, Andy and Alan remain active in geothermal research and development. The Association is delighted to honour them and hosted a reception and networking event to celebrate. Unfortunately, Alan was not able to travel to Alberta, but Tim and Andy were able to share stories and give encouragement to a new generation of geothermal professionals.
Figure 2: Life-time membership awardee, Tim Sadlier-Brown, enjoys the energy of the participants at the Geothermal Canada reception.
The event was timed to coincide with the Resources for Future Generation 2018 conference held from June 16 – 21, 2018 in Vancouver. The conference drew geothermal researchers, technologists and developers from around the globe.
Figure 3: GC member Yuliana Proenza serves up at storm at the reception.
Figure 6: John Ebell, GC member and Steve Grasby, GC VP, enjoy the early evening event and the opportunity to network.
Figure 4: Many International presenters at the conference attended the reception and enjoyed the networking opportunity.
Figure 7: Matthew Comeau and colleague discuss the presentations and the food.
Figure 5: Debra Shewfelt and fellow presenters enjoy catching up on the day's technical sessions.