Welcome Maurice Dusseault to our Board of Directors!

Geothermal Canada is pleased to announce the addition of Maurice Dusseault to our Board of Directors as Director of Central Canada (Manitoba & Ontario). 

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Maurice has 45 years’ experience in subsurface geoengineering, starting in the oil and gas industry, and branching out into areas such as deep granular waste injection, carbon dioxide sequestration, fractured rock mass behavior, hydraulic fracturing, and so on.  In the last few years Maurice has been developing a focus on geothermal, looking at hybrid geothermal systems (shallow heat pumps plus deep heat sources), large scale geostorage of heat, well stimulation, thermal geomechanics and stress changes, and related issues.  He believes that geothermal energy sources and storage have important roles to play in Canada, particularly because our needs for both power and heat for most of the year are great, especially in remote communities.