Geothermal Canada is celebrating just over one year since resurrecting our society and we would like to share everything that has happened in 2018 with a brief review. Thank you to all of our members for your support with helping the geothermal industry in Canada grow, expanding research, and growing the geothermal community!
Photo: Jasmin Raymond
Resources for Future Generations
For this June conference in Vancouver, Jasmin Raymon co-convened the session "Geothermal Solutions for Northern Regions, Mines, and Other Remote Areas" and was a keynote speaker for "Energy supply and use - relationship to water and mineral extraction" while Steve Grasby convened New Innovations in Geothermal Exploration.
Geothermal Canada Honours Geothermal Pioneers
On June 19th, Geothermal Canada held a Special General meeting to establish a new membership category “Life time honourary member” and to grant this status to Andrew Nevin, Tim Sadlier- Brown and Alan Jessop.
Mount Meager Research Opportunities
Geothermal Canada collaborated with the Vancouver Volcanology Studies Group for this symposium for updates on current Mount Meager happenings and brainstorming collaborations going forward.
GRC Annual Meeting 2018
Geothermal Canada presented “Moving Geothermal in Canada Forward” at the International Session of the Geothermal Resources Council’s (GRC) annual conference held in Reno, Nevada. Other presentations included “An Overview of Borealis GeoPower Projects and Community Engagement” by Katie Huang (GC Secretary), “Geothermal Studies in Yukon – Collaborative Efforts to Understand Ground Temperature in the Canadian North” by Tiffani Fraser (GC Director), and “2D and 3D Potential Field Mapping and Modelling at the Fallon FORGE site, Nevada, USA” by Jeff Witter (GC Treasurer).
Yellowknife Geosciences Forum 2018
Several of our board members gave presentations, which are available on our website. This include "Hybrid GeoEnergy Systems: Delivering Reliable Power and Heat in Remote Locations" by Maurice Dusseault, "Drilling Technology and Other Engineering Issues in Geothermal Energy" by Maurice Dusseault, 2018, "Fluid Production for Geothermal Energy" by Grant Ferguson, and "Geothermal Systems in Shield Rocks and Permafrost Regions; Examples from Northern Quebec" by Jasmin Raymond et al.
INRS Launches the Open Geothermal Laboratory
Jasmin Raymond, professor at INRS and Geothermal Canada board member, launched the Open Geothermal Laboratory/ Laboratoire ouvert de géothermie (LOG) at INRS in 2018. The LOG is a $514K projects that supports new high-tech instruments for thermal and hydraulic property analysis supported by FCI and Quebec Ministry of Economy, Science and Innovation.
Wells Grey Park Cave Discovery
Geothermal Canada President, Dr. Catherine Hickson, was instrumental in the confirmation of the newly discovered cave in Wells Gray Park, British Columbia. GC is pleased to be able to host the full resolution videos taken during the exploration and two 3 dimensional spatially accurate images created by John Pollack (left)
DEEP: Successful Test Well and Funding Announcement by PM
In December, DEEP Earth Energy Production Corp. (the “Corporation” or “DEEP”) successfully drillie its first geothermal test well, reaching its target total depth of 3,530 metres on December 16, 2018. This is the deepest well ever drilled in Saskatchewan’s history. The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, on Jan. 11 announced support for a new geothermal power facility near Estevan in Southeastern Saskatchewan.
Adam Scotti
Global Geothermal Alliance
Geothermal Canada recently partnered with the Global Geothermal Alliance (GGA). The GGA is a platform of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) that serves to encourage dialogue and knowledge sharing to globally increase geothermal production.
Geoscience BC Funding For Garibaldi Volcanic Belt, BC
Funding has been granted by Geoscience BC to the Geological Survey of Canada to assess the geothermal energy potential of the Garibaldi Volcanic Belt, British Columbia. Geoscience BC will support academic partners to apply a range of geoscience tools, including remote sensing, geophysics, tectonics, volcanology, and geochemistry, to better understand the controls on rock permeability.
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Geothermal Canada Joins IGA
Geothermal Canada is proud to announce that we have joined the IGA to expand our society, collaborate with international associations, and provide more benefits to our members. Mention of WGC2020? As such, all of our members automatically become members of the IGA as well, and the following benefits apply:
Special invitation to membership-only events (AGM)
Members only access to the extended Geothermal Power Database
Discounts on Geothermal Events (WGC2020) and IGA academy courses
Discounts on Geothermics journal
and more!