Waterloo Geothermal Workshop Agenda & Questions for Discussion

Waterloo Geothermal Workshop

January 24-25, 2020

Federation Hall - University of Waterloo

Waterloo Agenda.PNG

Geothermal Energy in Canada – What Policy Makers Need to Know

On Friday AM, January 24, interested persons will meet in Federation Hall at the University of Waterloo to discuss and debate issues related to geothermal energy. Here, we pose questions for consideration during this discussion. The questions DO NOT pertain to high temperature geothermal sources (confined to BC, YK), but to lower-grade geothermal energy at depth, perhaps combined with seasonal heat storage, shallow heat-pump systems. You are encouraged to formulate your own questions for clarity. Key words are highlighted.

1. Can geothermal energy become a reliable, robust, cost-effective alternative in terms of energy supply for Canadian communities?

2. Can low-grade geothermal energy generate some power (+ heat) for remote communities to make them more independent from fragile supply lines?

3. Is geothermal energy exploitation a sufficiently mature technology for use in different climates?

4. What are the main economic, social and political barriers to geothermal energy use in Canada, especially in northern communities?

5. What are the advantages of using geothermal energy in remote communities?

6. Is geothermal energy a well-understood technology in terms of design, implementation, and operation for different size commuities?

7. In terms of investment and financial issues, who can help to build a geothermal energy system for remote communities in Canada? Government? Private Sector? PPP?

8. Is there enough primary data available to evaluate different geothermal systems for various communities across Canada?

9. How can First Nations groups establish and sustain geothermal systems for their communities (heat mainly)?

10. What are the demands (needs) of end-users in various size communities for applications of geothermal energy? (e.g.: habitat heating, power, greenhouses…)

11. Are there government planning approaches (municipal, provincial, federal) for establishment and development of geothermal energy in Canada?

12. Do various governments communicate on geothermal energy systems potential?

13. What are the socio-environmental aspects of using geothermal energy in southern communities of various sizes in Canada?

14. Is geothermal energy an appropriate choice for meeting energy in northern communities instead of subsidising other energy sources (mainly diesel fuel and heating oil)?

15. Are there clear and easily quantified socio-economic benefits for implementing geothermal energy use in Canada? In the North? In the South?

16. How can geothermal energy (alone or integrated with other energy sources) help a socially adjusted transition processes away from carbon fuel dependency in Canada?

17. Is there any roadmap or clear pathway to help government to implement geothermal energy in various parts of Canada?

18. What are the policies in place for geothermal energy evaluation and potential implementation in Canada?

19. How can we involve local people in geothermal energy evaluation and implementation in their communities?

20. How can we enhance the private sector in developing geothermal energy in Canada?

21. What is the role of universities and provincial/federal research centers in establishing and developing geothermal energy?

22. Can geothermal energy help achieve sustainable development in Canada, especially in remote communities that currently are carbon-fuel dependent?

23. How can the expertise of Canada’s oil industry be harnessed to advance geothermal energy use?

24. The mining sector in Canada needs power and heat. How is this to be achieved in combination with local geothermal energy?

25. What role should Canada’s military (DND) play in the implementation of geothermal energy in the north for sovereignty and service issues?