Pan Canadian Society for Geothermal Research, Innovation & Collaboration
“Geothermal Canada”
Annual General Meeting
June 24, 2020 Time: 10:30am MT
Geothermal Canada will be hosting their 2020 Annual General Meeting on June 24, 2020 at 10:30am MT. The meeting is open to all, and Geothermal Canada members in good standing are eligible to vote. A member is not in good standing if their membership payment is over 6 months due. For the past 2 years, Geothermal Canada AGMs have coincided with major Canadian conferences to increase the number of attendees who can attend in person. This year, the AGM will be held electronically over Zoom.
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Meeting ID: 853 1042 9748
Password: 993632
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Orders of business at the AGM include:
(i) receive the directors’ report on the financial statements of the Society for the previous financial year, and the auditor’s report, if any, on those statements,
(ii) receive any other reports of directors’ activities and decisions since the previous annual general meeting,
(iii) elect or appoint directors, and
(iv) appoint an auditor, if any
This year, current President Catherine Hickson, has asked for a change of roles and will be stepping down as President. She still wants to be very actively involved in GC, so is letting her name stand for Vice-President. She strongly encourages anyone wanting more involvement in geothermal in Canada to let their name stand for election in the various positions. A change and new blood are always welcome in any organization.
The Association we will be voting to elect both one year term directors and two year term board members (President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary). Nominations for the positions are open to all until one week prior to the AGM, which is Wednesday June 17, 2020. They will also be open to the floor at the time of the AGM.
Board of Directors
The Society must have no fewer than 3 and no more than 12 directors, and the directors shall be composed as follows, as much as possible:
(a) 4 Executive Directors, from any region;
(b) 1 Student, from any region;
(c) 1 Director from Central Canada (Manitoba &Ontario);
(d) 1 Director from Eastern Canada (Quebec & Maritimes);
(e) 1 Director from Western Canada(Alberta & Saskatchewan);
(f) 1 Director from Northern Canada (Yukon, NWT & Nunavut);
(g) 1 Director from British Columbia;(h) 2 Directors at large, from any region. Election or appointment of directors
At each annual general meeting, the voting members entitled to vote for the election or appointment of directors must elect or appoint the Board.
(a) The President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary are elected for two (2) year terms.
(b) All other directors are elected for one (1) year terms.
Directors must sign a “Consent to Act as Director” form
A Nominating Committee, consisting of two members of the Society, appointed by the Board of Directors at least one month before the annual general meeting of the Society, shall present a proposed slate of Directors for the forthcoming year at the annual general meeting. Nominations for the positions open for election may be received from the floor. The election shall be conducted by secret ballot. A Director's position is contingent upon the nominee signing a “Consent to Act as Director” form.
The Nominating Committee for this year’s AGM consists of Steve Grasby and Katie Huang.
Methods of Voting
Per the bylaws: At a general meeting, voting must be by a show of hands, an oral vote, electronic voting, or another method that adequately discloses the intention of the voting members, except that is, before or after such a vote, 2 or more voting members request a secret ballot or a secret ballot is directed by the chair of the meeting, voting must be by a secret ballot (by emailing votes to a neutral third-party, or by using anonymous electronic means). Voting by proxy is not permitted.
We are suggesting to do a secret ballot via Doodle Poll and would like any feedback regarding this method.
Announcement of result
The chair of a general meeting must announce the outcome of each vote and that outcome must be recorded in the minutes of the meeting.
Board Positions
Election or appointment to Board positions
Directors must be elected or appointed to the following Board positions, and a director, other than the president, may hold more than one position:(a) president;(b) vice-president;(c) secretary;(d) treasurer.
Directors at large
Directors who are elected or appointed to positions on the Board in addition to the positions described in these Bylaws are elected or appointed as directors at large.
Role of president
The president is the chair of the Board and is responsible for supervising the other directors in the execution of their duties.
Role of vice-president
The vice-president is the vice-chair of the Board and is responsible for carrying out the duties of the president if the president is unable to act.
Role of secretary
The secretary is responsible for doing, or making the necessary arrangements for, the following:(a) issuing notices of general meetings and directors’ meetings;(b) taking minutes of general meetings and directors’ meetings;(c) keeping the records and membership list of the Society in accordance with the Act;(d) conducting the correspondence of the Board;(e) filing the annual report of the Society and making any other filings with the registrar under the Act;(f) maintaining the digital presence of the Society;(g) managing the news and other digital communications of the Society
Role of treasurer
The treasurer is responsible for doing, or making the necessary arrangements for, the following:(a) receiving and banking monies collected from the members or other sources;(b) keeping accounting records in respect of the Society’s financial transactions;(c) preparing the Society’s financial statements;(d) making the Society’s filings respecting taxes