The Ruggero Bertani European Geothermal Innovation Award 2020 has been awarded to Eavor and CarbFix. The award is an initiative of the European Geothermal Energy Council, in collaboration with Messe Offenburg (organisers of the GeoTHERM fair and congress) awarded to “companies which have made an outstanding contribution towards the field of geothermal energy in the form of innovative products, scientific research and project initiatives.”
Photo: EGEC 2020
About CarbFix and Eavor:
“The Carbfix process captures CO2 and other sour gases from emission sources, transforming them into rocks underground in less than two years. This overturns the common view that mineral storage in Carbon Capture & Storage projects takes hundreds to thousands of years. Carbfix has global scaling potential in and beyond the geothermal industry for decarbonising the economy.
Eavor’s innovation is a novel and scalable closed-loop geothermal system of several deep horizontal wells connected to vertical wells. This overcomes the limitation of deep geothermal systems, which normally rely on vertical single wells only. By running on thermosiphon, it also enables the geothermal industry to offer both a baseload and dispatchable energy source.”