Geothermal Energy Compact - Scaling Geothermal Heating and Cooling Globally

In August, IRENA teamed up with the International Geothermal Association to develop an Energy Compact in support of the Global Geothermal Alliance. We are pleased to inform you that this Energy Compact was recently approved by the UN.

The Compact aims to raise ambition on the deployment of geothermal direct use based on the existing goal of the GGA to achieve more than two-fold growth in geothermal heating by 2030 and collect the fruits of the ongoing work following the positive development trends within the geothermal direct uses worldwide, as follows: 

“To define the Global Geothermal Alliance’s goal for geothermal heating and cooling in 2030 to achieve a three-fold growth compared to the 2014 levels.”

You can download the compact document at this link,