This year’s Yellowknife Geoscience Forum will provide a virtual setting for delegates from industry, academia, and government to exchange information on Resource Exploration, Mining Activities, and Geoscience Research in Canada’s North. The technical program for the 2021 Yellowknife Geoscience Forum will showcase the latest geoscience‐related research in the territories and encompass the following themes:
Geoscience & Exploration
Diamond Geology & Exploration
Energy in Canada’s North
Environmental Monitoring & Research
Changing Permafrost Landscapes
Community Engagement & Education
Regulatory & Policy Updates
Mining and Advanced Project Updates
Critical Minerals Geology and Exploration
The geothermal-focussed talks are as follows:
1. Thermal histories of Cambrian strata and basement rocks from the Great Slave Lake region, Northwest (Pinto, Enkelmann, Terlaky)
2. Geothermal Potential of Closed Underground Mines: Numerical study of the Con Mine (Northwest Territories, Canada) (Ngoyo Mandemvo, Raymond, Comeau, Grasby, Terlaky, Grabke)
3. Liard Geothermal Reservoir Project Update (Terlaky)