Energy Innovation Program - Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage RD&D Call

It is anticipated that 95% of all captured CO2 will need to be permanently stored to achieve net-zero emissions. To ensure the permanent removal of CO2 from the carbon cycle, CO2 needs to be sequestered and stored.

At Natural Resources Canada, the Energy Innovation Program is currently accepting expressions of interest for the Storage & Transportation focus area of the carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) research, development, and demonstrations (RD&D) call, until April 17, 2023. 

The Storage & Transportation focus area aims to advance and enable the characterization and development of safe, cost-effective and permanent sub-surface CO2 storage, and technologies that support safe and efficient transportation of CO2 across Canada.

This focus area also expects to support activities that enable planning and development of CO2 storage and transportation hubs, address technical, scientific, or social license barriers to CO2 storage and transportation, as well as generate knowledge to support development of regulatory frameworks and codes and standards.

Expressions of interest for the Utilization focus area under this CCUS RD&D call will open in the coming months.

For more details, or to apply, please visit:


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