Lecture 12 — March 9, 2022
Well Targeting and Stimulation
Topics covered:
Targeting injection
Stimulation of under-performing well bores
Dick Benoit, M.Sc. Geology
I graduated from Western Washington University in 1970 with a BS in geology and from the University of Montana in 1972 with a MS in geology. I started working in the geothermal exploration in the Basin and Range province in 1974 for Phillips Petroleum. Between 1986 and 2000 I worked for Oxbow, primarily on the Dixie Valley geothermal field. Since 2000 I worked primarily as a consultant, with a stint at Magma Energy between 2010 and 2013.
References and Links
Entingh D. J., 2000, Geothermal Well Stimulation Experiments in the United States, Proceedings World Geothermal Congress 2000, Kyushu – Tohoku, Japan, May 28 – June 10, 2000, pp. 3689 – 3694.
Lovekin, J., Morrison, M., Champneys, G., and Morrow, J., 2017, Temperature Recovery after Long-term Injection: Case History from Soda Lake, Nevada, Geothermal Resources Council, transactions, Vol. 41, pp.
Muller, L., McLean, K., Wilson, D., and Bluemle, M., 2021, Production Well Recovery and Stimulation, Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, Vol. 45, pp. 1828 – 1838.
Ohren, M., Benoit, D., Kumataka, M., and Morrison, M., Permeability Recovery and Enhancements in the Soda Lake Geothermal Field, Fallon, Nevada, Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, Vol 35, pp 493- 497.