Lecture 4 — January 12, 2022
Environmental and Societal Impacts of Geothermal Systems
Topics covered:
Overview of environmental impacts of geothermal development
Challenges and motivations of community GeoExchange projects
Dr. Jasmin Raymond
Interested by heat transfer applied to Earth Sciences, Professor Raymond is a hydrogeologist conducting research on geothermal energy. His current projects involve very low to high temperature resources associated to both geothermal heat pumps and power production, helping to develop sustainable energy solutions for growing needs of our society. Chair holder of the Institut nordique du Québec and granted by UNESCO, Professor Raymond leads the Laboratoire ouvert de géothermie to characterize thermophyscial properties of rocks essential to model geothermal systems of all kinds. The main objective of his projects, done in collaboration with geothermal designers, developers, manufacturers and regulators, is to improve the efficiency and profitability of systems by providing scientific and societal innovations.
Dr. Sophie Van Neste
Sophie L. Van Neste is a professor in Urban Studies at the INRS. She holds the Canada Research Chair in Urban Climate Action and is principal investigator of the team Labo Climat Montréal. Her research interests relate to the colossal challenges that cities and urban communities face with climate change, with the different forms of collective action, conflicts, inertia and transformations of urban politics that emerge on the ground during these processes. One of the Chair's research axis concerns experiments in the governance and layout of urban infrastructure, with the study of motivations and difficulties encountered. Shared geothermal heat pump projects is one of the case studied in her team with the collaboration of Professor Jasmin Raymond.
References and Links
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