Lecture 13 — March 10, 2022
Induced Seismicity
Topics covered:
Induced Seismicity
Injection Monitoring
Northeast BC Case Study
Amanda Bustin
Dr. Amanda Bustin is a research associate at the University of British Columbia, the vice president of engineering for Renewable GeoResources Ltd, and the president of Bustin Earth Science Consultants. Amanda holds degrees in geological engineering (BASc 2001) from the University of British Columbia and a PhD (2006) in geophysics from the University of Victoria. She is currently working as a researcher and professional consultant on a variety of unconventional oil and gas, renewable energy, and energy transition projects, with the main focus on energy resource development and hazard prevention and mitigation.
Ali Yaghoubi
Ali is currently a Ph.D. in geophysics working with Professors Dusseault and Leonenko at the University of Waterloo, Canada. He has received his MSc in geophysics from Stanford University and BSc in Mining Engineering from Shahroud University, Iran. He is currently involved in developing a framework for Probabilistic Injection-Induced Fault Slip Assessment.
References and Links
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